It all started in the bustling cafés in Milan, Italy. Around 1900 the first espresso machine was invented, and history was written. This shot of bold coffee has come a long way and is now one of the world’s favorites. Join us on a journey to explore the fascinating history of espresso.  

Italy’s Coffee Revolution

The espresso adventure begins in Italy during the late 19th century. Espresso, which means “express” or “quick” in Italian, was invented for coffee lovers who wanted a faster way to enjoy a caffeine rush. Traditional brewing methods took too long, so inventors started to experiment with machines that could extract coffee faster and with more intensity. And it was 1901 when an Italian man named Luigi Bezzera created the first espresso machine, which was the start of a coffee revolution. 

Espresso taking over the world

When Italian immigrants started to spread around the world, obviously they took their love for espresso with them. Espresso bars started opening in other corners of the world such as New York. They say the first Italian immigrant Domenico Parisi opened the café in 1927. 

They are also the first café in the US to start serving cappuccinos. And to this day, it still exists!

Espresso today and everyday

Today, espresso is so much more than just a small cup of strong coffee. It’s a global phenomenon and you can find espresso bars all around the world. The espresso is changed rapidly and whether you prefer it short and intense in a small espresso bar in the heart of Italy, or you want to sip your cappuccino in the busy streets of New York. There is always an espresso style that matches your favorite taste and moment of the day. 

So, as we take a sip from our lovely espresso’s, let’s think about the amazing journey it has taken and know that you are savoring a piece of history which has become a global obsession that brings people together.

Here is to espresso, be bold, strong, and universally loved.

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