Have you always wanted to know how to create that perfectly made cappuccino at home? Let us tell you how to do it!

If you are a coffee lover, you probably have ordered and enjoyed many cappuccinos. Where one was better than the other but it always gets you that warm and nice feeling. But what is the secret to make the perfect cappuccino, and how can you create that little magic in a cup at home? In this blog I will tell you all about it. Are you ready? 

So, to begin with a cappuccino consists of three ingredients: espresso, milk and foam. It’s only these three ingredients that you need to make your favorite drink! Now you know what you need, here is how to make one:

The first step is to make an espresso. Easy and simple as it is. If your espresso is made it’s time to steam the milk. You would need 60 milliliters of milk. (approximately). I use the steampipe of my machine and a can to steam my milk. When it’s warm enough, not too warm! you can pour the milk in your cup that is already filled with the espresso you made. The top layer of the milk should be firm foam now. And then you are ready!

Simple right? You may need a few times to practice but it’s not that hard. I start my mornings every day with a cappuccino and they just get better and better. 

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