About us

We are Female Branded, and we are here to boost your branding!

There a many things that inspires us and that gives us energy to boost our company. Female Branded is started early 2020 by Nikki. The combination of love for coffee and design made this happen. She started working on ideas and made a business plan. Started an Instagram page and just did it. I will learn along the way was what she thought. And what a road it has been so far!

In the summer of 2020 Nikki and Anouk decided to share their strengths and so Anouk joined our company. We have made some amazing designs and are working hard to realize more and more ideas! We are so proud of what we already achieved and many many more projects will come. We even changed our name in October 2020. We felt like this was needed because our previous name did not say who we are anymore and what we stand for. So we decided to change that to Female Branded. A strong and powerful name, just like the brand.

Much love,

Anouk & Nikki


  1. Do you make personalized items? I’d like to purchase one that says MOM BOSS for my tea line.

    Please let me know how to get that done. I suspect that I’d need 50 to start with.

    Thank you.

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