The world of coffee is filled with rich flavors, unique aromas, and endless possibilities. But the first step is always to select the right roast level. Don’t know where to start? Here is a short guide on the different types of coffee roasts and when to choose each one. 

But, before we continue. Let me tell you what roasting exactly is:

Roasting is the heating process of a bean. During this process the raw coffee beans will transform into the beans we know, and we absolutely love. Full of flavors and fragrances. 

Now that is set, let’s move onto the roasts. 

Light Roast – The Morning Sunshine

You are waking up on a bright and sunny morning and craving a cup of coffee. You want one that’s equally refreshing and bright as your morning and that is where the light roast comes in. These beans are lightly browned and perfect for a refreshing start of the day. Go for Ethiopian or Kenyan floral notes and you’re good. 

Medium Roast – The All-Day Delight

For many coffee lovers, the medium roast is the sweet spot. These beans have the perfect balance between the refreshing light roast and the fuller body of a dark roast. They’re perfect for that daily cup, whether you take it black, with cream, or as a latte.

Medium-Dark Roast – The Flavorful Transition

We are stepping into the darker roast territory and here we find beams with richer and deeper flavors. These beans are ideal when you want to explore the complexities of your coffee. Darker roasts often go with a touch of smokiness and have a fuller body while still retaining some of the bean’s origin characteristics. 

Dark Roast – Bold and Robust

Talk about an intense, bold coffee experience and you will probably think about a good dark roast. They’re perfect for espresso shots and stand up well in milk-based drinks like a cappuccino. Dark roasts provide a powerful caffeine kick and are perfect for an early morning when you need an extra boost to start your day.

Very Dark Roast – The Espresso Champion

If you’re looking for the most intense and darkest coffee experience, the very dark roast is your match. They’re typically used for making espresso, where their boldness shines through and cuts through the milk, creating that quintessential espresso taste. 

So now you have the perfect guide to choose your roast for every moment of the day. Enjoy!

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